Moss Roses

These are my moss roses.

In the morning, the slowly wake up and turn their faces to the sun. Then in the evening they close back up to conserve their resources and energy.

Over the past two years I’ve been paying more attention to my natural rhythms. When God said She clothes the flowers - “See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these” - it made me think of my moss roses. Opening every day to their fullest beauty but knowing when to retreat and conserve.

I had been so outside of my natural self for so many years with too little conserving and restoring. As my striving and people pleasing and ego take a back seat to restoration and rest and solitude, I see that I was made for a rhythm, not for a race.

I have not perfected my rhythm like my moss roses. I still stay up and open too long and then over-retreat and close up in response to overcompensate. But I’m more aware. I can feel when my resources are depleting and I need to step back. I can admit, be it often after the fact when it’s painfully obvious, when I’ve overcommitted and created my own insanity. I listen to my body which always uses every signal possible - headaches, anxiety, fatigue, back aches, depression - to say, “enough.”

Wherever Life is taking me I’m trying to trust that I have time to get there. Open. Shut. In. Out. Give. Receive. Run. Rest. Inhale. Exhale. Rhythms. Not race.