To the Full
“I came that they may have life and have it to the full.” I am not playing small, dumbing down or living in a bubble. I am not following a silly set of rules or hiding from my culture. I want life to the full.
To the full is my husband coming home at the end of the day and my children embracing each other with love. To the full is diversity. To the full is turning the crisp pages of a new novel that transports me to another time and another place. True friends. To the full is crying hard and laughing harder. To the full is causing a raucous among the homogenous people who never get outside their safe place. To the full is creating great art. To the full is sharing my burdens and helping others carry theirs. To the full is having as much as I need, a few things I want and giving the rest away. To the full is learning, reading, growing, stretching. To the full happens outside of my comfort zone and also in my living room. To the full is being heard and seen. To the full is macadamia nut pancakes with banana sryup. To the full is a newborn baby sleeping against my chest. To the full is the conflict and the resolution.
To the full is to love and be loved.
"To love another person is to see the face of God." -Les Miserables